Observación de la naturaleza y observación de aves

Descubra formas nuevas y creativas de apreciar la inmensa naturaleza salvaje, los diversos ecosistemas, las maravillas naturales y la magnífica vida salvaje de Ontario, y conéctese al ritmo del mundo natural.

Intensifique su juego de fotografía de la naturaleza, sea testigo de las migraciones estacionales de aves y mariposas, admire el drama de un bosque en llamas con los colores del otoño o la espectacular aurora boreal, nuestra aurora boreal, bailando a través de un cielo oscuro impecable. Maravíllate con los osos, los alces, las águilas calvas y los castores. Explore la inmensidad del bosque boreal de Ontario, la tundra subártica y la majestuosidad de los pinos blancos de 100 años. Saboree la soledad de un lago tranquilo y reluciente donde solo la inquietante llamada del colimbo rompe el silencio.

Guía rápida para la observación de la naturaleza y la observación de aves en Ontario

Stargazing in Ontario Parks

In addition to several Designated Dark Sky Viewing Areas, Lake Superior and Killarney provincial parks were designated as Dark Sky Preserves by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada in 2018. Both locations offer exceptional star gazing opportunities and Killarney recently opened a new research-grade observatory to support growing astronomy programs. Quetico is the third park in the Ontario Parks system that has received special night sky certification, as of February 2021.

Birdwatching at its best

Southwest Ontario, between Lake Huron and Lake Erie is one of the best birding regions in North America. Close to 400 bird species have been recorded, over half of the species list for all of Canada. Canada’s South Coast Birding Trail links over a dozen significant migratory birding hubs in this zone that offer essential visitor services, interpretation centers, signage and other amenities. Sites include well-known destinations spots like Point Pelee National Park, Rondeau Provincial Park and Long Point Bird Observatory.


¿Está planeando su aventura de observación de la naturaleza o de observación de aves en Ontario? Comience con estos útiles artículos.

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Visiting Indigenous heritage sites

Many sacred Indigenous sites are located in Ontario. Appropriate respect and appreciation are essential as you visit spiritual and culturally significant places.

Indigenous Land Treaties

Ontario represents 46 treaties, use the interactive treaties map to find out which treaty applies to the national park you are visiting.

Travel with The Park Bus

Transportation to select programs and park locations is provided by Parkbus

Última actualización: 25 de noviembre de 2024