짚라인 & 트리탑 트레킹
더 나은 관점에서 세상을 보십시오! 공중 모험 공원에서 로프 코스, 그네, 집라인을 타고 나무 꼭대기에서 온타리오주를 질주하세요. 안전하고 짜릿하며 좋은 추억을 만듭니다. 광활한 황야와 수많은 아웃도어 업체가 결합하여 온타리오를 나무 위 트레킹 목적지로 만듭니다.
온타리오의 나무 꼭대기 트레킹에 대한 빠른 가이드
Types of adventure parks
Most parks offer courses that vary in difficulty level, from large ziplines traversing hundreds of metres for the adventurous spirti to smaller, kid friendly courses for those just starting out. Treetop courses (including ropes and bridges) and ziplines are the most popular activities. Some parks even offer nighttime treks.
Suspension bridges
Up the ante on your next hiking trip and cross one of several suspension bridges in Ontario. Dare to walk over plunging canyons or rushing rapids and you’ll be rewarded with spectacular views.
영감을 얻으십시오
온타리오에서 나무 꼭대기 트레킹 모험을 계획 중이신가요? 이 유용한 기사를 시작하십시오.
더 탐색할 준비가 되셨습니까? 시작하다.
가기 전에 알아두세요
Treetop trekking requirements
There is a minimum age, height and maximum weight requirement when Treetop Trekking. These requirements vary based on the course, so be sure to check with the attraction before heading out. A waiver is to be signed before participating and anyone under the age of 18 will need a guardian present.
Equipment and safety tips
Closed-toed shoes are required at most adventure parks and long hair must be tied back. It’ is important to dress for the weather and to be prepared with water to keep you hydrated while you’re outside. Required equipment, such as a harness and helmet, will be provided by each guide. Follow the safety guidelines provided onsite and during your trek orientation.
마지막 업데이트: 2024년 11월 25일